Posts in Catlin News
CGS alums reflect on activism for Israel/Palestine in the age of social media

In light of the pandemic and advances in technology, social media has become a driving force for activism, particularly for young people. Social media activism offers many benefits - information is condensed into a way that is accessible to a large number of people,and easily shareable. However, with its ease, one can often be swept away by pastel-colored information, and issues can become oversimplified or misrepresented. In this article, I asked two CGS alums, one Jewish, one Palestinian, about social media activism in light of the recent eve

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Looking back on an unusual year for CGS Upper School’s theatre program

Catlin Gabel School’s (CGS) theatre program has had a very unusual year, subject to both the restrictions of theatre spaces and to those of schools. While many mainstream theatre groups shut down entirely - Broadway isn’t set to reopen until August - CGS Upper School theatre was able to put on three performances this year. Of those three, two were completely virtual and the third, a mix of virtual, hybrid, and in person.

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Catlin Gabel students hope for normalcy after vaccines

Less than a month and a half after the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were approved for emergency use by the FDA, 24.7 million doses have already been administered, with 3.8 million people fully vaccinated. Despite new, more infectious variants, depressing totals of 4,000 deaths on Jan. 26 alone and over 25 million reported cases and 425,000 deaths in the U.S, and a slower-than-expected rollout, the vaccine offers glimmers of hope for life after COVID-19.

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