Posts in Catlin News
The COVID-19 pandemic hits a little bit differently for Class of 2020

By the time this article is published, we will have spent 52 days in quarantine: 52 days since we have seen each other, been to class, or hung out outside with each other in person. This is an unprecedented time in history, and we’re all just trying to make it through. At the same time, many of us are itching to return to the way of life before COVID-19.

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Goodbye to senior spring athletes

Athletics are a huge part of many students' lives here at Catlin Gabel School (CGS). Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the premature end to the school year, many spring athletics have been cut short. This is devastating for all spring athletes but especially for seniors who, for some, this is their last season. As two senior spring athletes ourselves, we decided to take this opportunity to provide a sort of “online senior night” for those athletes who have given their time and energy to this school and their craft.

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What will fall semester look like? A poem

Like many of my peers, I had to make a big life decision on Friday, May 1, the annual national deadline to formally accept admission offers and submit deposits for fall term. With so many unknowns, colleges are now pushing back making a decision about the fall semester until the middle of the summer, making the college decision even more difficult. My inbox has been inundated with emails from university presidents and admission officers trying to reassure a nervous incoming first-year class, while acknowledging a harsh new reality. I thought it would be fun to curate their words into the poem below.

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Students build companies, form community, and help others while remaining socially distanced

While many of us are stuck at home scrolling through Tik Tok or watching reruns of our favorite television shows, there is a strong contingent of students who are creating meaning through a range of projects, organizations, and initiatives despite being quarantined. These pioneering individuals are pursuing their passions, responding to community problems COVID-19 has exposed, and finding ways to stay connected despite the social divide.

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A call for nontraditional grades

It’s 9:56 a.m. as I roll out of my bed, into my chair, and search my email, Haiku, Google Docs, somewhere, for the Zoom link for the first class of the day. I can hear my dad in the room next in a meeting for work, the internet bandwidth not enough for both of us. This is the new normal. Breakout rooms, constant news notifications, writing prompts, 50 emails a day, wondering where my day went as it’s 9:30 p.m. and I should start my homework, and, eventually, sleep.

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